
Multimedia Services

Multimedia Services offers videography and editing services for events or programs at FDU.

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Video Production (Off Campus)

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When recording off campus it is important to communicate the exact event location and contact information of anyone who is overseeing the venue. For secure office buildings it will be necessary that security be advised that a video crew will be arriving and to include the name(s) of the crew and the nature of the production. Also, it should be noted that recording in certain areas, both public and private locations may be prohibited or require a permit.

Additional Costs

Due to the nature of some off-campus productions there may be some additional costs, such as tolls, parking and fuel.

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Video Production Services (on campus)

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When scheduling a video production on Campus it is important to provide a detailed description of what is expected, and what is most important. This will allow the videographer to anticipate any issues depending upon the location on campus.

One Camera Production or Two Camera Production

While almost all video recordings can be produced with one camera, there are certain events where two cameras would be preferable. For example, a panel discussion where there are several participants a two-camera production would reduce the amount of panning and zooming which can prove distracting and annoying, particularly if the presentation is of significant length. The same is also true for multi-person interview style events. For examples please visit the FDU YouTube Channel.

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Staff Directory
Daniel Pando
Daniel Pando Multimedia Services Digital Media Specialist
William VanWert Multimedia Services Logistics Coordinator