
Voice Services

Voice Services provides the campus with both basic and advanced telecommunications services. They provide phone service, establish voice mail, coordinate repairs, add, move, and change phone numbers for the faculty, staff and students on both campuses.

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Audio Conferencing

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Instant Meeting

Verizon Audio Conferencing service allows you to hold a meeting by phone at any time. To Setup an account click on the link below, complete the form, and choose submit. Voice Services will contact you with all the necessary details to begin using the service.

There is no charge to have an account, but charges are incurred when the account is used.

You will be assigned a permanent dial-in number and two passcodes – one for the leader and one for the participants.

To host an Audio Conference Call simply distribute the dial-in number, and the passcode for the participants with the date and time of the meeting.

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Cellular Services

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Required Process

Voice Services supports cellular services for faculty and staff for both FDU New Jersey Campuses.

In order to obtain a University provided cellular device, approval must be given by an Officer of the University along with the budget manager of your department. Any requests should be submitted through Voice Services with the approvals required by email.

All cellular service purchases must meet Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Cellular Policy.

Types of Cellular Devices/Services

Basic Cell Phones

Obtaining a basic cellular phone gives you the ability to make calls and text. There is a monthly charge for voice required with this device.


Obtaining a smartphone gives you the ability to make calls, text, email, and access the internet. There is a monthly charge for voice and data required with this device.

For a list of current devices available to FDU through Verizon Wireless please email voiceservices@fdu.edu.


This service can be activated on a University provided iPad. This service is for domestic use only. There is a monthly charge for data required with this service.


This device is a 4G LTE mobile hotspot (mobile WIFI) and can be used with your laptop or iPad. Depending on the Jetpack model you are using it can be connected to multiple devices at one time. There is a monthly charge for voice and data required with this device

Mobile Hotspot

This service can be added to an existing FDU smartphone and is used as a WIFI hotspot on your smartphone. This is a domestic service only. There is a monthly charge required for this service.

International Services

Before you travel internationally, please email Voice Services. It is imperative that you request this change at least 3 business days prior to leaving the U.S. to ensure the changes are made and validated.

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Cisco Unified Communications Call Forward

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With Cisco Unified Communications call forwarding, you have the ability to forward all of your incoming calls to another phone number. This can be useful in the event that you need to work from home or temporarily work from a different office.

Enabling Call Forwarding On-site
  1. To activate call forwarding, press “Forward All” while the phone is still on the hook
  2. To forward off campus, enter 3 then 1 and the 10-digit number.
    Example: (3 1 201 555 1212)
  3. To forward on campus, enter the 4-digit campus extension
    Example: (5555)
  4. A message will briefly appear on your phone’s screen to let you know that calls are now being forwarded
  5. With forwarding enabled, the onscreen “Forward All” button will now read as “Forward Off


To Disable Call Forwarding simply press this “Forward Off” button when you are ready to deactivate the feature.

The call forwarding process is also explained in your phone’s Quick Reference Guide.

This short and easy to use document explains many essential UC features including conference calls, call transferring and voicemail.

Enabling Call Forwarding Offsite

If you are unable to be by your FDU phone, and you need to set up Call Forwarding, you can do this through our Self-Service portal.

  1. You must have an NWN Cloud Self-Service account in order to modify your preferences. If you have one already, proceed to step 3 otherwise continue to step 2
  2. Call the Fairleigh Dickinson University Technical Assistance Center (UTAC) and let them know you are accessing your NWN Cloud Self-Service portal for the first time. UTAC will provide you a temporary password for logging in the first time
  3. Visit the self-service portal at fdu-selfcare.nwncloud.com
  4. Enter your full NETID@fdu.edu in the login field. Example: (SmithR@fdu.edu)
  5. Enter your NWN Cloud account password and click “Enter
  6. Next click on your Name on the top right of the screen. Hover over the drop-down menu and click “My Account
  1. Under “Web Password” un-click the checkbox to set a custom password. When done, click “Apply” in the top right corner
  1. Once logged in, click “My Call Forwards
  1. Input the phone number you wish to forward to then click “Apply
    • To forward off campus, enter 3 then 1 and the 10-digit number.
      Example: (3 1 201 555 1212)
    • To forward on campus, enter the 4-digit campus extension
      Example: (5555)

NOTE: If you have more than one internal number, click on the extension you wish to forward.

NOTE: If you need to use your personal cell phone to make a call from a remote site, and you do not wish to reveal your Caller ID, simply prepend the phone number to be dialed with *67.  Example: *672015551212.  Your phone number will not appear to the phone of the person dialed.

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Cisco Unified Communications Headset Selection and Pricing

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As a staff or faculty member, you can request a Headset for the new Cisco IP Unified Communications system.

Below you will find PDF’s containing headset offerings and the pricing sheet.

Note: With the selection of a headset, please note which Cisco phone model your headset will being connecting to.

The prices on this sheet have been pre-negotiated with our vendor. A quote is not needed to place an order for one of the approved headsets. Only approved headsets can be attached to Unified Communications devices.

If you have any questions, please contact Megan Kogut at (203)-851-7083

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Cisco Unified Communications Jabber Softphone Installation

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Installing Cisco Jabber Softphone

When you are out of the office, a softphone on your computer can be used to make and receive calls from your campus phone number.

  1. You must have an active NWN Cloud Self-Service account in order to use the Cisco Jabber Softphone. If you have one already, proceed to step 3 otherwise continue to step 2
  2. Contact the Fairleigh Dickinson University Technical Assistance Center (UTAC) and let them know you are accessing your NWN Cloud Self-Service portal for the first time. UTAC will provide you a temporary password for logging in the first time
  3. Visit the self-service portal at fdu-selfcare.nwncloud.com
  4. Enter your full NETID@fdu.edu in the login field. Example: (SmithR@fdu.edu)
  5. Enter your NWN Cloud account password and click “Enter
  6. Click and download Jabber for Windows or macOS, located within the links sections.
  1. Each Jabber link will send you to a webpage to download the latest Cisco Jabber software. Choose download at the top right and wait for it to start


There is no need to login again if you are prompted, the download will begin shortly.

  1. Install the Jabber Software
  • For Windows, double click the downloaded CiscoJabber.ZIP file and double click on the Setup file to start the installation. Click “Yes” to accept and install the software. Once complete, the Cisco Jabber Software will start and it will have created a shortcut in your Programs Folder


If you are prompted for an administrative account, and the installation will not proceed, call UTAC and they will be able to assist you through this step.

  • For Mac, double click the downloaded CiscoJabber.PKG and proceed through the installation.

The Cisco Jabber Software will be available under your Applications folder.

  1. Start Cisco Jabber and enter your username, which is your full NETID@fdu.edu in the login field and click continue. Example: (SmithR@fdu.edu)
  1. Enter your NWN self-service portal password and click Sign In
  1. The Cisco Jabber client installation is now complete.
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Cisco Unified Communications Phone System Manuals

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Below you can download the manuals for the new FDU Unified Communications Phone Systems from Cisco. The manuals provide information on how to use and access the voicemail features.

Florham and Metro


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Cisco Unified Communications Voice Mail Features

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Initial Voice Mail Set-Up from Your Own Campus Extension

From your desk phone:

  1. Press the message button on your phone instrument.
  2. Enter your Mailbox ID, this is your 4 digit extension.
  3. Enter the temporary PIN 13579 followed by the # sign.
  4. Listen to the prompts to set-up your voicemail greeting.

Initial Voice Mail Set-Up from Off Campus

When off campus, you can setup your voicemail system by dialing your campus’ assigned voicemail number:

  • Florham Campus: (973)-443-8100
  • Metropolitan Campus: (201)-692-7600
  • Vancouver Campus: (604)-648-4485

Follow these instructions to log into and setup your voicemail:

  1. Press 1 to access the voicemail system.
  2. When prompted enter your ID, this is your 4 digit extension.
  3. Enter the temporary PIN 13579 followed by the # sign.
  4. Listen to the prompts to set-up your voicemail greeting.

Accessing Voicemail On Campus

  • Press the message button on your phone instrument.
  • Enter your Mailbox ID, this is your 4 digit extension.
  • Enter your 5 digit PIN followed by the # sign.

Accessing Voicemail Off Campus

You can access your voicemail when off campus by dialing your campus’ assigned voicemail phone number:

  • Florham Campus: (973)-443-8100
  • Metropolitan Campus: (201)-692-7600
  • Vancouver Campus: (604)-648-4485

Follow these instructions to log into your voicemail:

  1. Press 1 to access the voicemail system.
  2. When prompted enter your ID, this is your 4 digit extension.
  3. Enter your 5 digit PIN followed by the # sign.

Accessing Voicemail from Another Extension That Has Voicemail

Dial the voicemail extension 8100, 7600 or 4485.

  1. Press 1 to access the voicemail system.
  2. When prompted enter your ID, this is your 4 digit extension.
  3. Enter your 5 digit PIN followed by the # sign.

Changing Voicemail Messages & Passcodes

When you first set up your mailbox, you record a greeting, your name and select a passcode. The set-up options allows you to change these at any time. You should update your greeting(s) regularly to let callers know whether you’re in or out of the office. Your voicemail message should always be appropriate, so callers will feel confident in leaving messages. And, of course, boxes should be emptied daily, if not more frequently.

When the University or your department closes you should always redo your voicemail message making the caller aware that the University or your department is closed.

The voicemail system will prompt you as to how to make changes. When you are in doubt about what to do next, you can download the manuals for the new FDU Unified Communications Phone Systems from Cisco. The manuals provide information on how to use and access the voicemail features.

If you are NOT forwarding your office phone, you should create a new voice message similar to the messages below and establish a pattern and practice of checking your voicemail regularly.

Please update your outgoing message to reflect an appropriate out of office message.

Voicemail Forwarding Suggested Message

Below is a recommended Voicemail Message:

“You’ve reached the voicemail of [NAME, TITLE/DEPT]. Fairleigh Dickinson University has moved to virtual business operations as a precaution against the spread of COVID-19. I’ll be checking my voicemail, but would appreciate you also reaching out to me by email at [YOUR EMAIL]@fdu.edu. Thank you.”

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Extension Mobility

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Setting Up Users

In order to use the Extension Mobility Feature, the profile for each user needs to be enabled

  1. Open up a UTAC Ticket with the University Technical Assistance Center (UTAC)
  2. Provided the Name and NetID of all user’s that need the Extension Mobility Feature
  3. Allow 72 hours for the change to take place
  4. This is a one-time step – once a user is enabled, they will be able to use Extension Mobility at any time

Setting Up Phones

The phone to be used for extension Mobility needs to have the feature enabled.

  1. Contact the University Technical Assistance Center (UTAC) to have this information validated prior to trying to use the feature 
  1. In the ticket, provide the MAC/HOST address of the Phone. There are two ways to get the HOST/MAC address:
    • Press the “Application Button” (Gear Icon) on the phone and use the navigation key in the middle of the phone to scroll over to “Phone Information” where the HOST NAME will be displayed


Alternatively, this information is also listed on the back of the phone. 

  1. When the feature is applied, the phone will recycle.


If the phone is being used at that moment, the call will disconnect 

  1. Allow 72 hours for the change to take place
  1. This is a one-time step. Once a phone extension is enabled, the phone will be able to use Extension Mobility at any time

Setting up users and phones can be done at the same time through one UTAC ticket, or at different times.

Logging into a Phone

  1. Press the “Applications Button” (Gear icon)
  1. Using the center navigation key, scroll to the “Extension Mobility” icon under Applications
  1. Click on the “Extension Mobility” icon
  1. Enter your UserID (NetID) and Voicemail PIN
  1. Once logged in successfully, the phone will reboot

The screen will now reflect the user’s associated lines.

Logging out of a Phone

  1. Press the “Applications” Button
  1. Using the center navigation, key scroll to the “Extension Mobility” icon under Applications
  1. Click on the “Extension Mobility” icon
  1. Press the soft key under “Yes” and the phone will return to its previous state


If a user forgets to log the phone out of Extension Mobility mode, the system will automatically log the user out 12 hours after they long onto the service.

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How to Use the FDU XMedius Fax Service

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This document provides instructions on how to use of the FDU Xmedius Fax Service. It describes notifications and navigation of the website in detail to facilitate the proper use of this resource.


The Xmedius Fax Service is an on-campus resource only. Access to efax.fdu.edu is restricted to on-campus networks and FDU VPN users.

Webinar Walkthrough

Open in YouTube

Each user given access to view incoming faxes will receive an email notification from the FDU Xmedius Fax Service

The email will look as follows:

Within each email will be a “Click here to access your fax” web link to the Xmedius Fax Server for quick access.

Logging In

To access the FDU Xmedius Fax server you can visit efax.fdu.edu or click the “Click here to access your fax” link provided in the fax notification email (The efax website is only accessible if you are located on-campus or connected to the FDU VPN). Once loaded in your web browser you will be prompted for a username and password. Please enter your full FDU NetID and password.

Accessing Faxes

Once authenticated you will see all of your incoming faxes (Unread faxes will appear in bold type).


If you receive faxes on more than one campus they will all be shown in your Inbound History.

  1. To view a fax simply move your mouse to the fax you want to view. The fax will turn yellow as your mouse hovers over it, click it
  1. The fax will automatically open to the Fax tab showing the incoming fax
Printing Faxes

Users can print a fax to a local or networked printer, and can send a document to Perceptive Content by printing to the Perceptive Content printer. Below are the steps necessary to print a fax.

  1. First, find the fax to be printed by scrolling over it with your cursor until the fax is highlighted yellow, then click on it
  2. Once the fax is opened, locate the Download icon on the top left side of the screen, and click to download


This will not actually download the file to your computer.

  1. A new browser screen will open and the fax to be printed will appear
  1. Right click your mouse from anywhere on the page, and a second panel will be presented. Hover your cursor over the word Print, and left-click your mouse
  1. Next to Destination, select the printer you wish to send the fax to, or the Perceptive Content Driver if you wish to move the fax to Perceptive Content. Then click on the Print icon at the bottom of the screen
Managing Faxes through Notes

Faxes can be stored in both the current Folder view and the Deleted Folder view. You can move faxes between the folders by clicking the Delete button from the Current view or the Restore button from the Delete view. To delete a fax from the portal, click on the Delete button while fax is in the Delete view.

If faxes need to be stored and retrieved over a period of time, the number of faxes that might appear in either the Current or Deleted view could build up, and retrieving a fax could prove difficult. Using the Notes capability will make searching for archived faxes much easier. The Notes and search functions work in both the Current View and Deleted view.

  1. In the portal, open the fax you wish to Note
  1. Then click on the Note button
  1. Start typing your note. You will notice a warning appear immediately letting you know the Note has not been saved yet. You can use multiple lines, and best practice would be to put a unique data point on each line. In the example below, Student Name, Datatel ID, the purpose of the fax, and the document type appear on separate lines
  1. When done adding the Note, click Save at the bottom of the screen
  1. To search for a particular fax, or series of faxes, from the Current or Deleted view of the portal, type in the search criteria in the bar to the left of the search button, and then click the Search button. All faxes that meet that criteria will then appear.


From the example above, that if the search was for W-2’s, all faxes that contain W-2 would appear. If the search was for a Datatel ID, all documents received with that Datatel ID would appear. It is strongly suggested that departments standardize on how to use the Note area prior to implementing the eFax solution.

Managing Faxes through the Event Log

From time to time, it might be important to know more details about a particular fax, like who received it, who viewed it, who printed it or notated it. All that information, for each fax, can be found in the Event Log.

To view the event log from within a fax, simply click the Event Log tab.

The event log will provide details of every action taken upon that Fax. Those actions include:

  • Routed to User – The Fax appears in that person’s portal
  • Email Notification – An auto- generated email was sent to that person
  • Fax Viewed – The fax was opened by a specific user (if several people are assigned to retrieve faxes, you can see who viewed the fax and at what date and time)
  • Fax Downloaded – who downloaded the Fax for Printing
  • Fax Deleted – Who moved the fax from Current View to Deleted View
  • Note Saved – Who added a Note to the Fax

All this information can be very useful in a department where several individuals are responsible for managing and disseminating faxes.

Composing a Fax

From the eFax portal, users can send faxes with cover sheets and attachments. Below are the steps to compose and send a fax.

  1. First, click on the Compose Fax icon colored blue
  1. Enter in the recipient’s information, including Fax Number starting with a 3. If you are faxing within FDU, you only need to use the four-digit fax extension. If the Fax is going to more than one fax machine, click on More Recipients
  1. Add the additional recipients’ information, and click Add. Type in a Subject for the fax, and any comments needed for the cover sheet. If a document needs to be attached, click on the Choose File icon at the bottom left of the screen, and choose the file you wish to attach. It is recommended that files be converted to .PDF if at all possible
  1. When complete, the file name will appear next to Choose File. You can repeat for as many files as needed. When you are ready, click the Preview button to review the appearance of your fax
  1. From here, you can view all the pages of your fax. If you are not satisfied with your fax, click the back button to go to the Compose screen, and click the Choose File button to either remove or re-attach a file. When ready, click Submit
  1. If successful, a Fax Submitted message will appear. There will be an opportunity to add the recipient to your xFax contact list if they are a frequent user. Click OK
  1. You will then see the fax in your Outbound Queue, in a Sending Status
  1. Finally, the fax information will be moved to the Outbound History File
  • Once the transmission has been completed, an email will be sent to the user confirming successful receipt of the fax by the receiving fax machine
Deleting Faxes
  • Users have the ability to remove faxes from their Inbound History by checking the box next to the fax they want to delete then clicking the Delete button
  • Once deleted, faxes are visible by clicking the Deleted folder view
  • Users will then have the ability to restore the fax to their Inbound History by clicking the Restore button. Alternately, faxes can be permanently deleted by pressing the Delete button. A final confirmation screen will be shown before permanently deleting fax
Centralize Portal Option

Each member of the Fax group in which you are the owner manages faxes within their own portal. In other words, if there are 5 employees (including yourself) that can access your fax #, each of you receive all the faxes sent to that # individually, and manage those faxes independently.

However, if you desire a Centralize portal, where there is one view, one fax, and, for example, if you delete a fax, it’s removed from view for all members of that group.

  1. Individually Managed Faxes: Still available to view if necessary
  2. Shared Centralized eFax Box: Users with the option to have the ability to manage the faxes for all individuals setup in the shared option. For Example: When deleting a fax it removes it from all the users setup to have access to this particular fax line.
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Staff Directory
Jennifer Cassidy
Jennifer Cassidy Voice Services Billing Specialist
Kimberly Hart
Kimberly Hart Voice Services Manager of Telephone and Voice Services
Stephanie Paris
Stephanie Paris Voice Services Billing Specialist
Susan Mihalarogiannis
Susan Mihalarogiannis Voice Services Switchboard Specialist